
The Survey Questions feature allows residents to submit answers to survey questions from management through the BuildingLink resident portal. If you receive an email notification from management about a survey, click on the link, then log in to BuildingLink and go to the Survey section on your home page to respond. 

Table of Contents

Submitting Survey Responses

If your building has enabled residents to submit survey responses through BuildingLink, you’ll see a Survey Question button in the "Building Info" section of your home page. A circle with the number of unanswered surveys available will appear so you know there are new surveys waiting for your response. Click on the Survey Question button to access the survey.

On the "Survey" page you will see all the active surveys you have already completed and any surveys still waiting for a response. To answer a survey, click the Respond link on the right of the survey row.

Next, fill in your responses and click the green Submit button at the bottom right. This will open a confirmation screen, click the green Yes button to submit your response(s). Once your survey is submitted you will be taken back to the Survey page. 

Viewing and Changing Survey Responses 

To view your responses to an active survey, click the Survey Questions button on the home page. 

On the "Survey" page you will see all the active surveys you have already completed and any surveys still waiting for a response. Click the Change Response link on the right of the survey row and follow the same steps for submitting responses as above.  

Note: Once a survey is expired, it will no longer appear on this page. If you wish to update your response at that time, please contact your management team directly.